Find here all the information concerning the Paladin class.
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Find here all the information concerning the Paladin class.
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The art of divinity and defense. Use powerful attacks and holy skills to protect your allies and repel enemies.
Perform a holy attack. Every third strike cuts your enemies and sends them flying.
Cooldown : 0.5s
Mana : 0
Damage : 12.6
Each skill use stacks a sacred ring around you. Every 4th ring creates an aura that heals and grants resistance.
Cooldown : 10s
Mana : 0
Damage : 0
Summon a holy shield in front of you, rush to the targeted location and knock back enemies, stunning them.
Cooldown : 10s
Mana : 75
Damage : 12
Summon a sacred hammer and shatter the surface, creating flares of light in the direction you are facing.
Cooldown : 15s
Mana : 200
Damage : 18.5
Give yourself and your nearby allies a divine shield. You take no damage while you have the shield.
Cooldown : 20s
Mana : 200
Damage : 0
Bind an enemy with chains and summon a holy spear that pierces and scars an enemy.
Cooldown : 10s
Mana : 75
Damage : 75
Draw a large circle around you, pulling in nearby enemies. You summon your sacred wings, jump back, and strike the ground with your hammer, propelling enemies into the air. If the enemy hit is marked, they leave behind a healing aura.
Cooldown : 30s
Mana : 400
Damage : 63.5